Long Buckby Junior School

  1. People
  2. Governors
  3. The Role of the Governors

What We Do

How do we perform our role?

As well as meeting at least six times a year as a full governing body, there are two main sub-committees - Resources and the Curriculum and Standards Committee which also meet five or six times a year.  Governors are assigned to one of the sub-committees, but may go to all sub-committee meetings if they wish.  Meeting dates are set annually and governors are expected to attend regularly and be well prepared by reading documents sent out in advance.  In addition there is also the Pay Committee which meets three times a year.


The purpose of the Resources Committee is to set policy in respect of finance, and manage and monitor the performance of the school in respect of its planning and resources.  This includes financial management - policy, planning, monitoring and audit; buildings, health and safety, personnel, ICT, risk management, procurement and equipment.  The committee ensures that good behaviour and safety of pupils is maintained and that pupils have access to value for money provision.

The purpose of Curriculum and Standards Committee is to ensure that high standards are maintained and that good quality teaching and learning takes place.  Governors manage that the National Curriculum is being taught and review the school's ethos and curriculum plans.  A key focus is to regularly monitor progress and raise the level of achievement for all pupils and compare this against national statistics.  Governors are actively involved in the implementation of the School Improvement Plan, and, with senior staff, take part in book scrutinies, lesson observations, pupil interviews etc. in order to collect evidence of progress being made.  Specific meetings are held three times a year by a small group of governors with the senior leadership team to discuss outcomes.

Providing a safe, secure and happy environment for learning is extremely important and for this reason we have an item on "Safeguarding" on the agenda of every committee.  Both staff and governors undertake regular training and there is specific training for governors involved in the recruitment of staff.

The Pay Committee reviews the staffing structure of the school; manages the implementation of the pay policy and ensures that performance management is undertaken.

In addition, individual governors with specific responsibilities (see above list) have regular meetings with the Senior Leadership Team and then feed back to the full governing body.  Governors are also linked to individual classes and come in to help with activities such as reading, cooking and craft activities, so that they are more involved with the everyday workings of the school.  They also attend assemblies, productions, parents' evenings, sports events etc.


Skills and Training for Governors

Governors do not need specific skills, but many of the tasks they are required to undertake can benefit from general business knowledge such as understanding management systems, budget planning and HR issues.  Our governing body has a good range of skills including finance, general management, education etc. and we renew the need for additional expertise on a regular basis.

It is vital that governors have sufficient time to devote to their role so that they can come into school and gain knowledge of how it operates and get to know the school's community.

New governors are required to undertake induction training and encouraged to attend addition al courses for specific areas in which they become involved.  The governing body belongs to the National Governors' Association which provides a monthly newsletter and a wide range of useful information.


How to contact us?

We can be contacted via the school or are available for general discussion at parents' evenings and other events.


Mark Limpkin

Chair of Governors
